Erik who?

About the REAL Erik!

I was going to write this myself, but thought that was a bit vain… so I got the fur-parents to do it!

“After realising that Erik needed a new home, the Universe took time to seek out his new, unsuspecting parents, and one early spring morning in 2020, he was rescued from almost certain obscurity from the depths of darkest Plymouth, which, for cat of Erik’s immense talents, would have been simply disastrous!

Outgoing, brave and fearless, may not immediately spring to mind when you consider Erik’s personality traits, but fun, playful, loving, inquisitive, and loyal most certainly do! Lording over his pride of human and guinea pig subjects, Erik conducts his day-to-day activities with a certain laid-back attitude, preferring to keep a tight hold of his authority by stealth, rather than an iron fist! These include such methods as loving head rubs, slow blinky eyes, soothing purring, gentle vocal acknowledgments, and many cuddles, which, although the same could be said of many other cats, Erik adopts in his own, very unique, almost human way (Note: after reading this, Erik voiced his objection to us using the word ‘almost’…!).”

Charity’s ‘Oh Erik’ supports

There’s a few cat charities that are very special to me (yes it’s me Erik back again) I myself, as you have read above was re-homed. My little brother Ernie was adopted from a cat sanctuary called New Start Cat Rescue. Because of this, we like to support those in need and kitties that are not as fortunate as we were.

New Start Cat Rescue – Please pop over and give them a look.

RSPCA Ashford Garden Cattery – Please pop over and give them a look.

Companies I work with

Although myself and my fur-mum are able to illustrate, design and make all the cat themed goodies we do, we couldn’t print and distribute them globally without the help of some pawsome companies! Here’s a few we work with on this meowsome adventure:

Teemill – are a print on demand company that set out to redesign the clothing industry and end waste. They are pawsome at using lots of natural materials, renewable energy and they are that purrfect, that every product can go back to them when you’re done with it, to be remade into something new!

Bookvault – As I mentioned, I will be having a new book series (or maybe two) launching later this year. I have plans to publish through Bookvault! They are pawsome and are the purrfect partner for the task at hand, printing and delivering all my books worldwide!